Quick Enquiry

Private initiative

Australia New Zealand Institute or ANZI, is a privately funded initiative established to provide education,knowledge and skills to the underprivileged people across the world. Its primary mission is to provide people with workbased education and knowledge, and initiate workbased skills for gainful employment or self – enterprise. While education, knowledge and workbased skills have all become necessary for the advancement of people in our contemporary society, access remains a challenge in many communities around the world.

The ANZI is an innovative learning and training institution founded to enable people of all walks of life to achieve personal progress and goals in life. At ANZI we all believe that knowledge and skills are essential to a better life in our modern society and no less a means of relief from poverty. At the same time education and skills training should be made available to all who wish to learn with no barriers or handicaps, whether that is economic or distance.

  • ANZI is an innovative learning and training institution
  • founded to enable people of all races, religions and creed to achieve personal progress and goals in life
  • At ANZI, we believe knowledge and skills are essential to a better life in our modern society ,no less a means of relief from poverty
  • At the same time individuals should have freedom of access to education with minimal handicap.

The ANZI is co-sponsored by Finet Associates, a training organization in the ASEAN region, Asia Finance Pty. Limited, Sydney NSW, an investment company and various individuals who believe in making education and skills training a tool for poverty reduction in the underprivileged societies across the world. While ANZI is not a university it offers training courses as an alternative, that build human capital and empower those who wish to learn and progress in their organizations and communities. Although it is based in Australia, it reaches out to the world with its available resources in the best possible way using available technology, human networks and corporate leadership. ANZI is an adaptive organization and is unconventional in its approach to achieve its vision and goals. Through the use of English as the main language of learning, the ANZI hopes to enable the learners in all communities to achieve appropriate knowledge and develop practical skills. These hopefully will empower the ANZI learners and improve their employability.

Its core values

We embrace two core values that drive our ANZI and its future. We firmly believe in human empowerment which can bring progress and a happier and fulfilling life. With empowerment individuals can practice social responsibility towards their communities and the environment they live in. In this manner the world will become a happier and sustainable place for the future. For its part, ANZI leads the way of being a socially responsible organization in promoting institutional ethical behaviour, and personal integrity for peaceful coexistence.

We believe knowledge and skills are crucial today for a meaningful life, and therefore they must be easily accessible to anyone wishing to learn them. If there is a will, there is away – the ANZI way.

Education today is a necessity for a reasonable life. Every person has the right to learn and acquire knowledge, and use it to create a better life for the individual and for the community he or she lives in. So, education and learning must not elude the poor in our society. Obstacles in the quest for knowledge and learning must be minimized, or removed where possible. ANZI ONLINE is about the breaking down of barriers to education and knowledge. It seeks to empower the individual or the underprivileged person. This is the mission of ANZI ONLINE

Learning at ANZI is unique for many people because it is –
  • Workbased education and skills development
  • Accessible and available to all who wish to learn with little barriers
  • Part of lifelong learning for anyone at any age, and at any time.