Quick Enquiry


Author: Support, Published: May 21, 2020
 For an enterprise to remain successful, its workforce must be dedicated, engaged, skilled, and motivated. The only way your workforce can keep up with changing demands, adapt to new technology, make novel procedures and breakthrough to achieve their potential is through high-quality and relevant training. Training serves three important functions at an operational level. It covers legally mandated learning for legal liability and human safety, prepares workers for changes in the market and it produces superstars who surpass expectations. In addition to teaching proficiency in technology, specialized procedures and company practices, training can aid employees to work fast, hard, smart, and be more creative. There is only one issue. Traditional training is expensive. As a result, training is one of the first places to cut expenses in lean times. Technological development in the past couple of decades has now finally, lived up to its promise in providing eLearning that not only compete with, but in fact, outperform trainer-led classroom training. Let’s discuss the several ways eLearning can support your human capital development plan.
Employees as Internal Customers
A balanced enterprise is one that satisfies all its clients, external and internal. External clients offer the revenue, and the internal customers on the management team offer the direction, but the big internal customer that is too frequently overlooked is the workforce. Employees are responsible for implementing the plan and dealing directly with clients, so it’s vital to the health of an enterprise to ensure the employees are there at the front. A motivated workforce can turn an average organization into a cultural force such as those in Google or Apple. Workers often grumble about the lack of needed courses that prevented them from getting work done when it conflicts with their scheduled tasks. But professional training is a perk that employees demand regularly. The solution to this conflict is a wider range of lessons on a schedule that the employees can choose for themselves. Insightful leaders prepare for the future by making sure there’re qualified leaders under them who can take over projects as and when required. The right combination of experience and skills for the next generation of leaders is easier to come by when your organization fosters the right type of training. Providing training in the skills your organization requires does not have tobean excessive drain on resources for operational costs. Online training lets more ambitious workers to self-regulate their learning experience. As a bonus, everybody in the workforce – from the manager to the worker, feels extra valuable when they can point to examples of promotion from within as a result of skills and knowledge increases.
Spread Knowledge Faster
Staying competitive means re-purposing on a dime. Campaigns, goals and even business operations can change rapidly and are required to be communicated across the organization. The best deal in training experience points to the conclusion that classroom learning works great with 12 or a few attendants. For a big commercial organization or enterprise, creating that optimal learning environment takes a long time to cycle through the workforce. The only other choice is a cursory introduction to major changes that can leaves many questions unanswered and a disorganized learner response. Both options have issues with scheduling for learning because of project deadlines, and emergencies that take away attendance from the class. With distributed e Learning sessions, employees can decide where their priorities lie and take control of their own scheduling. In the simplest terms, it will be a waste of time for a classroom instructor to detailed in-depth personal lessons for a few, and that would be far too cost-prohibitive across the employee base. In those circumstances, e Learning is the most reasonable go-to option.It can technically allow learning by many employees at the same time and over a short time span.
Assuring Compliance and Protection from Liabilities
  There is no excuse for a crime, but the company that fostered a culture of indifference is legally liable in today’s corporate environment. Companies are required by a hefty stack of laws to state what acceptable and not acceptable conduct is and to ensure that each employee is aware of these guidelines. These range from anti-money laundering rules, circumventing sanctions and other regulations, and sexual harassment and personal safety, to theft of customer information and violation of privacy laws. As the business world has become more diverse with corporations having employees of various ethnicity, the growing number of languages, personality and cultural problems can derail critical operations in various parts of the organization world-wide.Therefore, as an example, the learning of compliance and protecting the organization from liabilities is as crucial as learning and training of technical skills and their competencies. E - Learning makes compliance learning easier with interactive displays that also test understanding, rather than just distributing a piece of paper or a video. Online training can demonstrate on a personal level the advantages of working together and understand the penalties for cutting corners. Everybody can learn, take actions and ensure their organizations reduce risk and liability for non-compliance.
Moving to Mobile
Carrying your personal device in the workspace has advanced from trend to movement. Firms save money since employees are purchasing and sustaining their work devices and computers. Employees are bringing work home and on the road. Sales have increased because the important information is right there when the prospective customer requires them. There’s no doubt the workforce is going mobile, and eLearning is poised to follow workers wherever they go. A growing number of employees conduct business from home or remote sites, and coming to the office just for training not practical. The use of eLearning by mobile is now aided bynew technologies such as geofencing.
Geofencing is a location-based service in which an app or other software uses GPS, RFID, Wi-Fi or cellular data to trigger a pre-programmed action such as a specific learning programme, when a mobile device or RFID tag enters or exits a virtual boundary set up around a geographical location, known as a geofence.All of these now make learning on the-go much more convenient and possibly much less costly than the conventional learning at an instructor led location.
 The convergence of mobile workers and quickly developing technology, make eLearning a flexible, price-efficient and agile choice for investing in the future of a productive and innovative workforce. An enterprise can deploy training in the Cloud to share the modern trends and knowledge in real-time with a highly educated workforce. E-learning has indeed become a gamechanger in developing human capital. If you are looking at your workforce with a keen eye towards development and innovation well into the future, select eLearning to make sure your workers have opportunities to grow, more efficiently and quickly.
Kenny Posted: Wed, 06 May 2020
This is a good start. The worries we all have now is falling income and job uncertainty. Worldwide job losses are now being to surge. Another month of lockdown will create even more unemployment. I advise that those that still have their jobs to enhance their worth to their employers, so that, hopefully they can escape this malaise and keep their jobs.
Kenny Posted: Thu, 07 May 2020
This is part of the SEED Community Blog. The purpose is to provide a platform for the development of entrepreneurship skills and self- empowerment. We initiate this contribute to those contemplating self - employment as well as those who want to manage their personal funds for their retirement or for a life outside employment. Contributions in terms of ideas, contacts and resource networks are welcome.