The series of work-based diploma programmes has been designed to provide young people, particularly high school leavers, with entry-level work knowledge and skills for a commercial career. Each Applied Diploma is different from most diploma courses in normal colleges and universities in terms of -
1. Focus on work-based knowledge
2. Emphasis on application and problem –solving at the workplace, and
3. Short duration of 10 months.
Study commitments and learning assessment of each student remain the standard requirements before the Applied Diploma is awarded by the ANZ Institute. The Diploma award is not to be used for academic purposes or for further university education.The series of work-based diploma programmes has been designed to provide young people, particularly high school leavers, with entry-level work knowledge and skills for a commercial career. Each Applied Diploma is different from most diploma courses in normal colleges and universities in terms of -
1. Focus on work-based knowledge
2. Emphasis on application and problem –solving at the workplace, and
3. Short duration of 10 months.
Study commitments and learning assessment of each student remain the standard requirements before the Applied Diploma is awarded by the ANZ Institute. The Diploma award is not to be used for academic purposes or for further university education.
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