  • Certificate in Capital Market Practice ANZ Institute Faculty -
    The term ‘capital market’ refers to the market environment where corporations raise capital and funding to fuel their growth and business strategies. Capital market activities are regulated by the securities exchange, and securities laws of each country and there are important financial issues to be understood before organizing capital or fund - raising activities for these expanding corporations.
    18 Lessons 02:50:34 Hours English
    0 Ratings
  • Certificate in Applied Management ANZ Institute Faculty -
    Applied management here refers to the use or application of knowledge and skills to resolve work issues in order to achieve the best desirable outcome such full customer satisfaction or meeting business objectives. Applied Management learning at ANZ Institute is differentiated from learning about management at college or at an academic institution.
    47 Lessons 06:11:56 Hours English
    0 Ratings
  • CREDIT & LENDING CHALLENGE - A self test of credit knowledge ANZ Institute Faculty -
    The staff who is nominated to take the assessment will go online upon receipt of a login password. The assessment is online and upon completion the results are emailed to the authorised officer at the financial institution’s human resource department for further action. For the purpose of integrity, we recommended that this exercise be conducted at the premise of the bank or financial institution and with a senior staff member from a non – credit function as an invigilator. An independent summary report and recommendation on the scores attained will be issued subsequently.
    0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English
    0 Ratings